The Houseboats in Kashmir is ingenious Idea of the British Resident who was living in the Kashmir Valley during British era. This Sole Houseboats tradition of gracious bank/shore living originated with the first British residents of Kashmir. In order to prevent them from assuming power of the Maharaja Kashmir forbade the British to own land,
Most tourists are attracted to Kashmir by the charm of staying on a houseboat, which provides the unique experience of living on the water in a cedar-paneled elegant bedroom, with all the conveniences of a luxury hotel. The Houseboats in Kashmir is closely associated related with the Kashmir valley’s prestigious culture and tradition. The shelter group of houseboats is only houseboats in valley which is running the houseboats from 4 Generation. The Shelter group of houseboats is made of wood, and usually have intricately carved wood paneling. The Shelter Group of houseboats having 10 Houseboats, All these houseboats is different sizes, some having up to three bedrooms/two bed Rooms apart from a living room and kitchen. And Having Different name The Shelter Group of Houseboats is only Houseboats in Valley know how important the sense of security all our Clients. That’s why a special effort is made at all our Houseboats to ensure that guest security and the houseboat security takes precedence over any other objective. The Lal Mandi Road is security patrolled by security guards and all emergency plans well in place. The Shelter group of Houseboats is situated in high defense zone and shares the VIP road and Political residence on another side of the shore equally well protected by CRPF. |
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